Who We Are / What We Do

We all want our town to be an attractive place. We all like to see improvements to our environment. We dislike developments that don’t “fit in”. Individually, there is little that we can do to influence these things – which is why Civic Societies came into being.

Matlock Civic Association

  • Comments upon proposals affecting our town – like planning applications.
  • We campaign for improvements, like the re-design of Crown Square and other improvements to the Town Centre.
  • We carry out our own schemes, often working with other organisations. Some of our projects (both past and present) can be found under the “”Projects” tab. This is why we need YOUR SUPPORT.

Who We Are

We are a voluntary organisation dedicated to improving Matlock. None of our Members are paid for their work. We are not one of the local Councils who have legal powers to make decisions affecting our town. We depend upon fund raising to carry out our work. We are proud of our achievements and with more support, we could do more.

Origin & Aims

Matlock Civic Association was formed in 1981 as a Group within the Arkwright Society.  It has always operated on a largely autonomous basis. In 2015 MCA was invited to become a fully independent organisation, so that the Arkwright Society could concentrate its operations on the conservation of Sir Richard Arkwright’s Cromford Mills site and its development as a historical resource and for complementary economic activities.  Following discussions with the Charity Commission, MCA was accepted as a charity in its own right in May 2015 (Charity Number 1161566).  For full details about MCA’s Organisation and Procedures, or Formal Constitution, please follow the links.

The Charity Commission set us various “objects”:-

  •  To educate the public in the geography, history, natural history and architecture of the area of Matlock.
  • The preservation, protection, development and improvement of buildings and other features of historic or public interest by promoting high standards of planning, design and architecture in or affecting Matlock.

What We Do

The restoration of the World War II Air Defence site on Asker Lane is our biggest projects so far. For more details follow the “Matlock at War” link under “Projects”

 We comment on proposals affecting our town.  We try to influence decisions on planning applications. We secure changes through suggestions (eg design and materials).  We object to some schemes.  We respond to consultations such as those for the Local Plan. We have consistently opposed development on greenfield sites, preferring brownfield locations.

We campaign for improvements.  We were successful in achieving major improvements in Crown Square. We suggested a new open-air market at Park Head many years ago.  We support the redevelopment of the Bakewell Road site to create a better range of shops and new community facilities and participate in the ‘Matlock Community Vision’ initiative. 

We carry out projects. In 2015 we organised the painting of the Matlock Mural on Derwent Way, transforming a stark stained concrete wall into locally inspired artwork.  In 2008 we completed the restoration of Bailey’s Tump on Asker Lane.  Earlier projects include the Ship Loads Garden on Dale Road (1983), the Matlock Bridge Viewpoint (2005) and the John Bowne Memorial on Lime Tree Road (2018).  We published Town Trails (available from the Library) and we have installed 22 historic plaques on important buildings or sites. 

How to Join