A History of Matlock
by Peter Wild, Matlock Civic Association
Click on links to individual sections or download whole document (bottom)
The Matlock Settlements
Knowleston Place and Matlock Green
Development of the Matlock Baths
A Church, a Tower and a Railway Station
Two Pavilions, a Bridge and Derwent Gardens
The Smedleys and Lea Mill
John Smedley, the Wealthy Industrialist
The Nightingale – Smedley Connection
John Smedley and the Rise of Hydropathy
The Growing Popularity of Hydropathy
John Smedley, and the Ralph Davis Hydros
Hydros – The Followers
More Hydros with a Smedley Connection
A Couple of Financial Failures
Matlock Before the Railway Age
Early Routes from Matlock Bridge
Matlock Bridge and Matlock Bank in 1848
Matlock During the Railway Age
Churches and Schools on Matlock Bank
Public Houses and Shops on Matlock Bank
Boarding Houses on Matlock Bank
The Growth of Matlock Bridge and Dale Road
The Emergence of Crown Square as the Town Centre
The Decline and Re-Use of Hydros
The Decline of Hydropathy on Matlock Bank
World War I: Hydros and Hospitals
World War II: The Final Nail in the Coffin of Hydropathy
A College, a Care Home and County Hall
Other Industries / Employment
The Decline of the Local Textile Industry
Tree, Shrub and Plant Nurseries
The Administrative Centre of Matlock
The Emergence of Modern Matlock
Or, read the whole history as one document