Privacy and Data Protection
The Secretary of Matlock Civic Association will hold personal contact details (name, address, telephone number, e-mail address) of members and friends and will use them solely for the purpose of Association business. They will be stored securely and will not be used for any other purpose and will not be disclosed to any third party. Neither will those details be stored on this website. MCA will not store any personal financial information such as bank account details. When a member leaves the Association, their contact details will be deleted from its records. In joining MCA, one agrees to the use of such data for these limited purposes.
Where e-mail addresses are required (for example on this website to contact an MCA officer), generic addresses will be used and not personal ones. Any telephone numbers shown will be encoded.
To allow members to work together to organise projects for the group, it is sometimes necessary to share member contact details with other members. This is also necessary when carrying out a member consultation, so that contributions are visible to all participants. Members are required to positively assent to this when joining if they wish to be consulted / involved. In such circumstances, members must undertake not to pass on those details to any third party.
View our full Privacy and Data Protection Policy
More information on Privacy and Data Protection in Community Groups