Geology References

(1) Kingsley Dunham; Nature Physical Sciencevolume 241, pages 84–85 (1973)

(2) Peter Gutteridge; East Midlands Geological Society; The Reef at High Tor; Landmark of Geology in the East Midlands;

(3) Rocks & Scenery of the Peak District, Trevor D. Ford, Landmark Publishing, (2006).

(4) BGS Lexicon of Named Rock Units, Lower Matlock Lava Member

(5) Classic Landforms of the White Peak, Roger Dalton, Howard Fox & Peter Jones, Geographical Association, (1999)

(6) Delving along the Derwent – a history of 200 quarries and the people who worked them; co-ord. Ian Thomas; publ. National Stone Centre; ISBN: 978-1-871827-44-6

(7) An Inquiry into the Original State and Formation of the Earth; John Whitehurst, (1778), in “Revolutionary Players”, publ. by West Midlands History

(8) The Medals of Creation – Volumes 1 and 2; First Lessons in Geology and the Study of Organic Remains”, Gideon Mantell, (1854)

(9) Lead Mining in Matlock & Matlock Bath, The Andrews Pages

(10) Magpie Mine, Sheldon, Peak District Mines Historical Society

(11) Millclose Mine, Derbyshire Heritage

 (12) Julie BuntingThe Peak Advertiser, 5th June 1995 and “Bygone Industries of the Peak”, Wildtrack Publishing of Sheffield (ISBN 1-904098-01-0) (2006)